Oh, hello, neglected blog! Yes, it’s still here, gathering dust, but fabulous blogger Adult Beginner was kind enough to include it on her new blogroll of men who take ballet. This may be the kindest kick in the derrière I need to get back to updating it! Check out these fellow danseur-blogueurs in the meantime.
A blog is born
Welcome! I finally decided to consolidate my occasional dance ramblings here in a new blog. Recently I kept waffling over whether to keep posting my dance diary entries in my general blog at jefftabaco.com, but I figured — hopefully — that I’d be more likely to post more often about dance if I gave it its own dedicated space. And then it was like, do I self-host it with my other site, or put it on wordpress.com, and what do I call it, and… then I thought, you know what, just pick a place to write, and write! I can always change the location or name later.
So here we are. My goal is to post at least a couple times a week, covering how ballet classes are going, what I’m reading or watching, and so forth, basically from the point of view of an adult ballet beginner. (Shout out to my tweeps!) I’ve already imported my previous dance diary entries, so the site already looks a little homey.
Enjoy, and here we go!