My name is Jeff, and this is my dance blog. I’ve loved to dance as far back as I can remember, but I really fell in love with dance during my freshman year of high school, when fall play auditions also included a tryout for the new dance workshop that formed that year. I got in, and thus began a high school and then college career full of rehearsals, dance concerts, musicals, and so forth. Basically I spent lots of time in theaters.
When school ended and I entered the “real” world, I thought I’d keep up with dance somehow. Well, fast forward many, many years and I still hadn’t done anything about it. Finally I thought, I’ve always wanted to take ballet — most of my background had been in jazz — so why not just go for it? In May 2011 I took an absolute beginner ballet workshop at LINES in San Francisco, and since then I’ve taken ballet classes there and at ODC and City Dance. I’m totally loving it.