Post:Ballet presents ‘Triads’

Herbst Theatre, San Francisco — July 21, 2012

A quick-bite review: Founded in 2009 by dancer and choreographer Robert Dekkers, innovative dance company Post:Ballet capped its third season with a program entitled Triads, consisting of four pieces, including a world premiere. The first half of the program (sensual Mine Is Yours and darkly whimsical Happy Ending) was beautiful but left me a little cold and puzzled. It was the second half that delivered. A pas de deux from Interference Pattern felt intimate and honest; Jonathan Mangosing and Christian Squires were a pleasure to watch. When in Doubt, whose original score included recorded spoken word from the dancers themselves, had depth both in choreography and meaning.

Kudos to Robert Dekkers for taking risks and pushing the ballet envelope. This was my first full evening of Post:Ballet, and I look forward to many more seasons of interesting, imaginative dance. (I also have to say I love the styling of their new headshots!)

Post-performance Q&A with Post:Ballet dancers and collaborators

Post:Ballet director Robert Dekkers

» See also: Post:Ballet Facebook page, and Triads reviews from the San Francisco Chronicle and California Literary Review.

Program listing and video excerpts are below:

Triads — July 21, 2012

Mine Is Yours
Choreography: Robert Dekkers
Music: Daniel Berkman

Ashley Flaner, Raychel Weiner, Hiromi Yamazaki, Domenico Luciano

Happy Ending (Post:Ballet premiere)
Choreography: Robert Dekkers
Music: Pogo

Beau Campbell, Myles Lavallee, Domenico Luciano, Christian Squires
Raychel Weiner, Hiromi Yamazaki


Interference Pattern (excerpts)
Choreography: Robert Dekkers
Music: Avey Tare and Kria Brekkan

Jonathan Mangosing and Christian Squires

When in Doubt (world premiere)
Choreography: Robert Dekkers in collaboration with the Post:Ballet artists
Music: Jacob Wolkenhauer

Beau Campbell, Susan Roemer, Rachel Weiner, Hiromi Yamazaki
Myles Lavallee, Domenico Luciano, Christian Squires

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